Covid Protocols

因为我们的社区疫苗接种率很高, 每个人都在尽自己的一份力,做出明智的选择,让我们安全地在校园里一起生活.

We all have a responsibility to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 你每天采取的简单行动有助于保护你自己和关心RWU社区.

Vaccination Strongly Recommended

网赌的十大网站将不再要求学生和员工接种Covid-19疫苗, beginning with the Fall 2023 semester. However, 我们继续强烈建议完成Covid-19疫苗接种的初级系列,并保持最新的疫苗接种和增强剂,以预防严重疾病.


Stay Home If You Have Covid-like Symptoms

If you are experiencing any Covid-like symptoms, stay home. For any flu-like symptoms, students should call Health Services, 教职员工应该打电话给他们的初级保健医生.


The University will not be providing rapid tests for Covid. As a matter of preparation, 我们鼓励所有学生和员工提前进行几次家庭测试,以备不时之需. 有症状的学生仍可预约到卫生服务处接受检测.

无症状且知道自己有密切接触者的学生应监测症状并使用自己的快速检测.  所有员工检测必须在家中或通过医疗服务提供者进行.

Self Reporting

如果你的新冠病毒检测呈阳性,请填写 Covid-19 self-reporting form. 提交表格后,您将收到隔离说明. 每个学生都有责任提前通知他们的老师他们将缺课,并安排补课. 我们鼓励你与你的老师分享你的自我报告表格确认. 检测呈阳性的RWU员工需要通知人力资源部.

Isolation Guidelines

隔离期为5天,第0天为症状开始或检测呈阳性的日期. If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are improving, you can end isolation on day 6 and return to normal activity. Continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. 如果你发烧了,继续隔离直到退烧. 

Residential Student Guidelines 

If a student has the means and ability to do so, 他们应该离开校园,在他们的永久居住地隔离,直到他们的隔离期结束. For students isolating in University housing, they must stay in their room as much as possible; wear a mask when a roommate is present in the room (except when you are sleeping) and keep the window open for fresh air exchange. Whenever a covid-positive student leaves the unit, 他们必须戴上合适的口罩(洗澡和刷牙时除外), practice social distancing, and good hand hygiene. Residents who have tested positive are not allowed to eat in the dining commons until their isolation period is complete; takeout options are available via the GetApp at Lower Commons.

Close contacts, especially roommates of positive students, 是否应监测他们的症状,并在出现症状或无症状时立即进行检查, 在被通报为阳性病例的密切接触者后监测症状5天.


联邦和州的紧急命令不再有效, RWU returns to mask optional, 除非在卫生部门,出现covid - 19样症状的学生需要戴口罩. 如果学生出现新冠肺炎症状,鼓励他们使用适当的口罩,一旦检测呈阳性,必须戴上口罩.

我们每个人都应该尊重他人戴口罩的决定. In addition, while our mask-optional policy remains in effect, 当社区成员要求在办公室戴口罩时,我们要求我们每个人都要体贴和合作, classroom or shared living area. 

Wash Hands Regularly

经常用肥皂和温水洗手20秒, as well as whenever you've touched a commonly used surface. 这样可以防止细菌在表面上传播,减少接触病毒的机会.